Self-guided Backpacks

Self-guided Backpacks for Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts

All-inclusive backpacks provide all the materials, instructions and activities necessary for your troop to complete a variety of natural science badges on your own. Backpacks can be completed at home or in our building. If completing the backpack offsite, you will have the rental for one week. Note: Late fees may be applied if the materials are not returned by your agreed upon date.

Please email to schedule your backpack rental. Backpack rentals completed at Lake Erie Nature & Science Center require an additional $25 facility fee.

Girl Scout Backpacks

Eco Learner Badge

Eco Learner Backpack

Daisy Girl Scouts

Learn what to take and what not to take on an adventure outdoors while you learn about being prepared. See what creatures live right next to the trail and learn why you should always stay on the trail. Finally play a game where you learn all about why you should trash your trash. Length: 1.5 hours

Fee: $12 per Girl Scout

Hiker Badge 1

Hiker Backpack

Brownie Girl Scouts

Learn about hiking in the area and what gear you should bring on your trip. Practice observation skills and play hiking games. Please dress for the weather. Length: 1.5 hours

Fee: $12 per Girl Scout

Pets Badge

Pets Backpack

Brownie Girl Scouts

Play pet BINGO and learn how much space pets need in your home to be comfy. Learn how much it costs to feed a pet and play a smart pet owner game. Make a toy for a pet. Length: 1.5 hours

Fee: $12 per Girl Scout

Senses Badge

Senses Backpack

Brownie Girl Scouts

Play sight, sound, memory and smelly games. Learn how the tongue can differentiate sweet, bitter, sour, and salty. Learn about touch and how the visually impaired use their senses to read with braille. Length: 1.5 hours

Fee: $12 per Girl Scout

Bugs Badge

Bugs Backpack

Brownie Girl Scouts

Buggy about bugs? Creepy crawlies don’t creep you out? This is for you, adventurous girl! Take a field trip to watch bugs at home and at work. Make a bug box and create a creepy, crawly craft. Length: 1.5 hours

Fee: $12 per Girl Scout

Animal Habitats Badge

Animal Habitats Backpack

Junior Girl Scouts

Learn about animals native to our area and how parent animals take care of their babies. Explore endangered habitats across the globe and discover ways you can help the animals in your own backyard. Length: 1.5 hours

Fee: $12 per Girl Scout

Detective Badge

Detective Backpack

Junior Girl Scouts

Practice the powers of observation, explore codes of all different kinds, master the art of taking your own fingerprints, and finally, solve all the clues to figure out the mystery of who took the turtle! Length: 1.5 hours

Fee: $12 per Girl Scout

Outdoor Art Apprentice Badge

Outdoor Art Apprentice Backpack

Cadette Girl Scouts

Learn about artists that were inspired by nature, and use their stories to create your own art! Then used the clay provided to sculpt or press you own piece of nature art. Make your own nature inspired playlist to play for your friends and family. Take your phone or camera outside to practice being a nature photographer, and finally test your skills sketching architecture you see while outside! Backpack includes materials for all 5 steps of the badge. Leaders/girls need to provide their own art supplies, and camera or phone capable of taking photographs.

Fee: $12 per Girl Scout

Special Agent Badge

Special Agent Backpack

Cadette Girl Scouts

Take your own fingerprints and compare them to your sister girl scouts, then watch a video to test your observation skills. Test your skills as a forensic chemist in a chromatography experiment. See if you can tell that someone is lying and finally see how good you would be as a criminal sketch artist! Backpack includes materials for all 5 steps of the badge. Leaders/girls need to provide coloring supplies, pencils, and one internet capable device.

Fee: $12 per Girl Scout

Cub Scout Backpacks

Tigers in the Wild

Tigers in the Wild Backpack

Tiger Cub Scouts

Go on a short hike with your den or family, and make sure you bring along your Cub Scout Six Essentials! Learn what to take on a hike and what needs to stay home, practice preparing for a hike and play a leave no trace game. Finish out your adventure by learning about trees and plants you find on the trail. Backpack program includes instructions and lessons for requirements 1-3 and 6.

Fee: $25 per Cub Scout Den

Call of the Wild

Call of the Wild Backpack

Wolf Cub Scouts

Talk about what you need to go on a short hike with your group. Learn about possible weather changes and extreme weather that could happen on your hike and learn how to be prepared for each one. Practice tying an overhand knot and learn about some animals that you might see while out for a hike. Backpack program includes instructions and lessons for requirements 1-6.

Fee: $25 per Cub Scout Den

Paws on the Path

Paws on the Path Backpack

Wolf Cub Scouts

Talk about the Cub Scout Six Essentials and everything else you need for a one mile hike. Learn what you need to bring on a hike and what items should really stay home. Use the field guides to learn about the animals you see on your hike.
Backpack program includes instructions and lessons for requirements 1-6.

Fee: $25 per Cub Scout Den

Fur Feathers and Ferns

Fur, Feather, and Ferns Backpack

Bear Cub Scouts

Talk a hike and learn all about animals in this backpack. Explore extinct and endangered animals, and observe animals in your own backyard. End your backpack adventure with a virtual tour of the Lake Erie Nature & Science Center.
Backpack program includes instructions and lessons for requirements 1-4.

Fee: $25 per Cub Scout Den

Into the Wild

Into the Wild Backpack

Webelos Scouts

Learn about birds in your own backyard and what flyways they use to migrate. Spend some time outside looking for wild creatures (use the field guides provided to help you identify them!) and learn about producers, consumers, and decomposers in a fun game. End your adventure with a virtual tour of the Lake Erie Nature & Science Center.
Backpack program includes instructions and lessons for requirements 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9a.

Fee: $25 per Cub Scout Den

Outdoor Adventurer

Outdoor Adventurer Backpack

Webelos Scouts

Your outdoor adventure awaits! Plan with your den a hike in the great outdoors, recite the outdoor code and leave no trace principles, learn how to tie a bowline, and be prepared for extreme weather. Backpack program includes instructions and lessons for all of option B.

Fee: $25 per Cub Scout Den

Due to routine maintenance and the installation of our new digital projector, there will be no planetarium programming from September 7 - September 12, 2024.Click here to learn more.